Monday, December 5, 2016

To Find The Things He Isn't

When I was a kid I would make paper angels and snowflakes.  You know how you start with a sheet of paper and fold it up and cut away the pieces that aren't an angel or that unique snowflake?  Each cut seems random but when you finish and unfold it you have this perfect thing.  That is what I think The Universe is doing for me.  It seems random.  It seems pointless.  But what it is doing is showing me the pieces that aren't going to be in that unique snowflake of an angel that is waiting for me.  He won't lie to me.  Snip.  He won't want someone other than me.  Snip.  He won't judge me for my past.  Snip.  He won't be scared that I love quickly and deeply.  Snip.  He won't leave.  Snip.  And eventually it will unfold and all the cuts will be worth it.

Friday, November 4, 2016

To Live In That Moment

There is a moment just after a rainstorm where everything feels different.  More alive somehow.  The air is cooler and so thick that time seems to slow down slightly.  The blue of the sky is brighter and clearer, the greens and yellows of the grass are more vivid and deep, the greys and browns of the earth are richer and fuller. All bathed in the afterglow of new life.  The smells of man are washed away and replaced with new life and electricity.  This is how I feel when I see you.  This is how I feel when we take our turns at question and answer.  Like a rainstorm has just passed and everything is finally different.  More real somehow.  The world is softer and so fleeting that I hope time slows down.  The flow more free and easy, the words more truthful and heartfelt, the promises more solid and lasting.  All bathed in the ease of understanding.  The hurts of the past are washed away and replaced with new hope and fire.  There is a moment just after a skipped beat where everything feels different.